

History at De Havilland fills children with enthusiasm and curiosity. Staff bring lessons to life with a variety of practical activities, costumes and props. History is well resourced and children have access to a range of high quality, real physical resources, documents and artefacts, as well as opportunities to hear from visitors, who share their past experiences and knowledge. Children have opportunities to re-enact history including through first hand experiences, visits and themed days, which allow them to examine how the arts, cuisine, fashion, education and culture have changed through the ages.

History experiences are taught through project learning taken from Curriculum Maestro and meets National Curriculum expectations. To ensure we move beyond these expectations we have woven History into other areas across the curriculum, such as through novels or picture books with an historical theme as part of English lessons, money and measurements in Maths, historical discoveries which moved Science on etc. The children are able to apply their critical thinking and use of evidence in extended writing, adding their own perspective and judgement in drawing conclusions, based on their higher order historical thinking skills.


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Progression of skills knowledge History... 563.21 KB Download
History Implementation KS1 460.61 KB Download
History Implementation LKS2 475.45 KB Download
History Implementation UKS2 504.93 KB Download
EYFS NC links History 2.43 MB Download