

At De Havilland, we use our geography curriculum as a means to inspire in our children a curiosity and fascination about the world around them. We believe the best way to achieve this is by delivering the subject through three termly projects taught across each year group, some of which have geography as their driver subject. Our engaging projects aim to capture the imagination of our children and are crafted around many of the questions they ask to ensure as much of the content as possible matches their interests.

We aim to provide children with opportunities to investigate their local area of Hatfield and Hertfordshire as well as the wider United Kingdom so that they grow up being proud of their local community and the country in which they live. In addition to this, our curriculum equips children with the geographical skills to develop their knowledge and cultural understanding through learning about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. Their growing understanding of human geography enables them to gain a greater appreciation of life in other cultures and develops tolerance for others from an early age.


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Geography Implementation KS1 541.87 KB Download
Geography Implementation LKS2 548.76 KB Download
Geography Implementation UKS2 543.06 KB Download
Progression of skills knowledge Geograph... 674.44 KB Download
EYFS NC links Geography 2.81 MB Download